Saturday, August 3, 2024

August 3 - “Fishin’ and LaKing’s”

The boys were up really early yesterday. I took Zak, Caleb, and Luke out to Jamaica Beach to do a couple of hours of fishing. Everybody caught a few, so it was a fun trip. We had a few sand trout fillet-lets. And Zak landed a stingray. However, somehow the sandwich bag with the fillets in it never made it back home. We looked all over the truck. I even drove all the way back to Jamaica Beach to check there. No luck. The only other possibility? Perhaps at a stop sign one of those evil flying demons called seagulls swooped down and took the whole thing. Sorry guys. 

We spent a good part of the afternoon being tourists. We went with Josh and the gang to none other than The Strand. They wanted some ice cream and/or candy from LaKing’s. We also strolled around a bit. My favorite new store was Stabby Granny’s Knives and Things.  The granny on their sign looked a little like Chris. Maybe she can do some PR for them. 

Jeremiah‬ ‭17‬:‭7‬ says, The man who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence indeed is the Lord, is blessed.

Father, thanks for the chance to hang out with our Waco bunch. Can’t beat fishin’ and LaKing’s. Amen. 

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