Saturday, August 10, 2024

August 10 - “Sometime”

 Yard day. Sigh. It keeps coming around about once a week here in the summer. And you don’t dare skip it. Then you have some really high and often thick grass on your hands. We got it done, though. Even added some tree limb trimming to the mix. And that was actually Chris’ idea this time. Of course, we still can’t reach everything that needs to be chopped off. That’s on the list for the professionals “sometime.” 

Speaking of “sometime,” we did hear back from our contractor about the roof. The price quote for replacing the whole thing was a tad … well, astronomical. We will be going with the repair estimate instead. About 80% less. I did have to touch base with our insurance agent on one thing. Seems that our repairs might just fall under the square footage limit, so we shouldn’t have to get the special roof inspection. Woohoo!

We made a quick trip to Randall’s to pick up some prescriptions for Chris. And while we were out, we stopped at Walmart. Milk, eggs, distilled water, grape juice, lemonade mix, and a phone charger cable. We need to replace the one we keep in the car. And of course we got the wrong one. Those things are so confusing. I think I understand now what we need. USB-A (that’s the old original one) to Lightning (Apparently that’s really a thing. I think somebody just thought it would sell better with a cool name. Sadly, people have no choice but to buy the right one if they want to charge a phone).  It’s just complicated to know which one is the “right one.”

Philippians‬ ‭2‬:‭13‬ ‭ says, 

For it is God who is working in you, enabling you both to desire and to work out His good purpose.

Father, please help our storm repairs go better than our phone cable efforts. Amen. 

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