Saturday, December 9, 2023

December 9 - “Just walkin’ the day away”

Special thanks today go to Ed and Lauren for the beef stroganoff dinner. Thank you as well to Corey for agreeing to pick up the barbecue. 

I got started on my exercise regimen yesterday. The exercises themselves are quite simple and very easy. And I only do them twice a day. The challenge came in the walking portion. Every two hours I’m supposed to walk for two minutes, then add another minute each day. Just walkin’ the day away. Sounds like it oughta be a song. In my case, however, the walking proved a bit much. It caused an intensification of what I assume is the residual nerve pain from the surgery (Does that sound like I know what I’m talking about? It at least sounds more official than, “the walkin’ made it hurt worser”).

Meanwhile, Chris was getting some real work done. It was the day before Bethlehem Street Market, and all the last-minute details needed to kick in. She was up at the church all morning, assigning booths and rearranging signs and just in general getting everything ready to go. So if you’re reading this … go buy something!  And have lunch there while you’re at it. Great soups and Koop’s barbecue. How can you go wrong?

Psalms‬ ‭147‬:‭11‬ ‭ says, the Lord delights in those who fear him, who put their hope in his unfailing love.

Father, please be with the craft fair today. Help the vendors do well. Help those looking for Christmas presents to be successful. And ease up on the stress Chris is under. Amen. 

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