Sunday, December 10, 2023

December 10 - “Swan Song”

Yesterday was the big day for Bethlehem Street Market at church. And the plan is that it will also be Chris’ official swan song as director of the event. I would say that it was another successful one. We made over $3300 for missions. Hopefully the vendors were pleased. 

Even though I couldn’t be there, I was really proud of all the Seasiders involved in bringing soup and helping vendors and working in the kitchen and setting up for church. Way to go, guys. But of course, I’m most proud (more than a little prejudiced here) of all the work Chris did in the months and weeks leading up to the event, not to mention the relationships with vendors that she has cultivated over the years she has been coordinating things. That’s my girl. 

I spent the day hanging around the house. I took my medications faithfully. Did a lot of sleeping. Better than succumbing to the weird nerve pain still lingering after surgery. I finally figured out how best to describe it. It’s just like the pain that accompanied the case of shingles that I had some years ago. Of course unless you have had shingles, you still wouldn’t understand. 

I tried the exercise/walking again.  That clearly aggravated the pain. I’m not sure if I need to push through the pain or back off. Yesterday was my back off day. We’ll see how things go today. 

1 Corinthians‬ ‭13‬:‭13‬ says, And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.

Father, thank you for the experiences Chris has had doing the market all these years. Please call out someone to take over from here. Amen. 

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