Friday, December 22, 2023

December 22 - “On the OFB”

We finalized our Christmas newsletter for 2023 yesterday. It took three print runs because I kept adding comments. We did get a handful run off on our printer: 

some without comments,

some with my full range of wisdom, 

and some with all the wisdom and just a few different words. 

Chris said the last one with my comments was her favorite. Not sure how many of you will get which form, or even if they’ll make it to the mailroom at all. But whatever happens, Merry Christmas!

Yesterday afternoon we ventured to Walmart. Now, I know that doesn’t sound very earth-shattering, but remember, I’ve been holed up under the BLT movement ban after surgery for a long time. This was my first venture back into the world of the living. Well, it WAS Walmart, so “living” might be a stretch. 

At the front door we each grabbed a basket. Yep. It was divide and conquer time. Chris was going for groceries. I was headed for my infamous Dad Christmas gifts. Of course I can’t reveal what I found, other than the fact that I now only have one gift that has been surprisingly difficult to come by, and a few that will require some “personal preparation.”  I’ll keep trying, though. After all, I still have three days til Christmas. 

OK. What I haven’t mentioned so far. Yes. By the time I reconnected with Chris, I was pretty well spent. The back felt fine, but those shingles just wouldn’t quit. I ended up sitting on the Old Folks Bench at the front of the store while Chris finished up shopping. 

Now I must hasten to say that I think I have found the place to go for some great people-watching. Walmart has always been the top of my list, but that Old Folks Bench was amazing. I just sat there and the people came to me. One older lady even stopped to ask if I had retired from the fire department (I was wearing my GFD cap).  I explained my chaplain status, and she said her fiancé retired in 2008. Pretty sure she said his name was Poe, but that was before my tenure began. 

Hey, check it out sometime. The OFB used to be by the front door, but they have moved it over near the bathrooms and customer service counter. Lots of traffic. Lots to see. 

Psalm‬ ‭100‬:‭2‬ says, Serve the Lord with gladness! Come into his presence with singing!

Father, thanks for our friends and family. Keep them safe and healthy. Amen. 

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