Tuesday, December 5, 2023

December 5 “B-Day”

Nope. That title doesn’t refer to the exalted day of entry into the world, although today is Jachin’s birthday (Happy Birthday, Youngster!). But for me, this time it stands for Back Day. 

I’m typing this before we leave the house for the hospital for The Big. The Big Back Surgery. Not sure when I’ll get it posted, though. 

I woke up after surgery … some time. I have a pretty severe case of the “Don’t-Remember-ies.”  Chris and I talked all afternoon (when I didn’t doze off. Right in front of her face). But it didn’t do much good. 

I know Kel came really early, because they stopped my cart on the way  to surgery to wait for him. He had time in the surgery prep room to pray for me. I’ll take all I can get.

Chris told me April checked in with a visit, too. As did Cathy. Obviously I don’t know what those visits were like. But thanks, Ladies for keeping Chris company. 

In the afternoon Gary from Minnesota sent a text here’s the glorified essence of my reply:

“Sorry it took so long to respond just now getting good and awake enough to eat and notice the text. Won’t see the red docs until tomorrow morning. Then it’s into physical therapy to teach me how to roll over and stand up and heel and walk. Basically, they hire dog trainers.”

Yep. I said “red docs.”  And that was after I was allegedly awake. Gary replied with a single query: “As opposed to blue docs?” OK, Gary. Just … oops. 

The only other thing I remember, other than nurse visits and pushing the little green button full morphine, was watching bits and pieces of the movie Polar Express. Nice job, Tom Hanks. And Tom Hanks. And Tom Hanks. And Tom ……..

Isaiah‬ ‭40‬:‭30‬-‭31‬ ‭says, Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

Father, thank you for all the encouraging words from folks who know me and remember me. Please be with Chris and give her a good night’s sleep on the hospital couch. Amen. (I wrote the prayer last night)

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