Thursday, December 21, 2023

December 21 - “Post surgery follow-up”

I had my first post surgery follow-up yesterday. This one was with the Nurse practitioner. She took out the staples and assured me that it looks great. Well, OK. Of course, I am still under the same restrictions. No BLT (Bending, Lifting, or Twisting), at least until after I see the doc. That won’t be until next year. But then next year is just a couple of weeks away …

The shingles nonsensical skin pain continued. The fight fire with fire lotion helps dull that weird raw sensation that makes you want to forget you ever wore clothes that touched upon that portion of your body. It wouldn’t be so bad if it were summer. But it has been in the low 50’s lately. That’s too cold to be without a shirt. So I go ahead and don the t-shirt, then roll it up like a sexy crop top. Chris won’t let me go out in public like that, but I think she secretly likes the whole bare belly button look. Reveals just enough of my burgeoning Dad Bod. 

Enough of the detailed medical updates. In a nutshell, my back still hurts, but everything is progressing as it should. 

‭‭1 Chronicles‬ ‭16‬:‭10‬ says, Glory in his holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice!

Father, could you please ease this nerve pain? Really makes it hard to focus on the surgery post op. Amen. 

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