Saturday, August 19, 2023

August 19 - “A movie production”

Well, here’s a fine kettle of fish. No, not literally, unfortunately. A figurative kettle … a mess. As I got ready to head to bed, I noticed that the water level in the toilet didn’t look quite right. I knew what that probably meant. I went to the other bathroom, and sure enough, water was backed up into the bathtub again. Wonderful. 

In the morning, right at eight, I was on the phone with the plumber - Lister Plumbing this time - requesting a clearing of the blockage, a photo shoot inside, and a bid estimate to just replace the line. The guy got here around 11:30 or so. When he had the monster snake in the drain, he said it felt like roots to him. He stuck with it, and right at 11:50 it broke loose with a vengeance. I never heard that sound with the last people. He grinned and shouted, “Got it!”  And sure enough, as I stood over the drain access by the street, the rapid gurgling we had been waiting for raced by. And … the sweet, sweet … well, maybe not so sweet smell of success.

Next he pulled out his camera. Quite the movie production. I got to watch over his shoulder as he snaked it through, pointing out clear evidence of roots in the line. Next came the fresh water flush and a blade change. He brought out the big guns this time. These babies expanded to cover the entire diameter of the pipe. Meanwhile, we turned the water on in the bathtub so it could flow freely. The snake obviously was scraping even more debris, but then the plumber stopped and called me over. He sent the camera down again so I could see what he was feeling. Sure enough, there was not only a lip of the pipe that had shifted, but just before the shift was an obvious hole in the bottom. The fresh water flowing through looked like white water rapids on a river. Uh oh. 

The good news is, he cleared the current obstruction. And he gave us a pretty good deal on the charges. The bad news, however, is that we really do need to replace the line. He is going to turn in all the measurements, and his office should send us an email with the estimate for repair by Monday or Tuesday.  

Proverbs‬ ‭13‬:‭20‬ ‭says, Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm.


Father, thank you for leading us to what appears to be just the right company to take care of this plumbing stuff. Amen. 

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