Wednesday, August 16, 2023

August 16 - “The Birthday Dinner”

Well, since our sewer line backed up again, we cautiously eased back into using the toilets and showering. This morning Chris ran a load of clothes. No issues with backing up so far. 

I called a different plumber just to see if he could check things out. Nope. Once he heard what the problem was, he said he couldn’t help me. They only had one plumber on staff and he couldn’t be tied up on something like this. 

Before I moved on to the next one, though, I texted our contractor friend. He said that because we can still see water standing in the pipe, there is  still an obstruction of some kind. But since it is working OK, he agreed that we could probably get by with waiting for a while. We’ll sure have to watch it, though. 

I did have a bit of a chance to “get away” yesterday. I got my hair cut. Always a relaxing pursuit. Thanks for taking care of that part of my head, Suzann. 

Came home from the haircut to something even better. Chris made chicken enchilada pie for my birthday dinner. Had it again for supper last night. Might have to have it a time or two today as well. So sad that none of my boys are around to share it with. (SmhawHaw!). Love you, guys. 

Matthew‬ ‭11‬:‭28‬ ‭says, Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.

Father, thank you that the sewer line is back running again. We’ll appreciate as much time as we can get. Amen. 

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