Thursday, August 10, 2023

August 10 - “Connected”

Still having issues with my back yesterday. The pain has sort of migrated over to the left side now. Very strange. Putting heat on it does make it ease up, so I have been warming up our bag full of rice and dutifully applying it up and down my back. Honestly, this has been quite annoying. I’m not sure it was worth the stickerburs that were successfully removed the other day. 

Chris took off on her walk, though. Without me slowing her down, she managed to approach a 17 minute per mile pace over her two and a half mile trek. Proud of that gal. And as a bonus for me, she reported back all the sights and sounds of the neighborhood that she took in, from the people she saw (tall guy in soccer shorts) and the ones she talked to (the dog/walking lady - a regular), to the pool installation happening one street over. Thanks for helping me feel connected. 

Speaking of connected … our new washer and dryer were finally delivered and connected in the afternoon. And not long after Chris had the one load she was holding back ready to go. Looks like we have a couple of new creations in our menagerie. Only problem is … now we need a plumber. That first run backed up some water into our bathtub. And our usual plumber retired. Yay. But our contractor and good friend John responded right away to a text cry for help. He hooked us up with a plumber he uses. They are supposed to be here this morning between 8 and ten. 

I had a chance to see the fire fighters from station five. They responded to an ambulance assist call to our neighbor’s house. Great to see them, as usual. With all our medical stuff going on, I haven’t been able to get around to the stations like I used to. Chris put station visits on her phone calendar for the next week or so, though. Sounds like she has plans to kick me out of the house.

Philippians‬ ‭4‬:‭8‬ ‭says, Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

Father, thank you for our new appliances. And bless John for connecting us with a plumber. Amen. 

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