Wednesday, November 1, 2023

November 1 - “The influx”

I suppose I failed to mention one highly significant fact about these last few days. IT IS COLD. We actually got down to 51 degrees. With one of those cold, dreary, (did I say, “cold”?) rains. And I heard it’s going to be 49 tonight. Nope that’s full-on winter, folks. Bring back my tropical island paradise. Please. 

Last night was, in case you hadn’t heard, the one night a year when, for some ridiculous, insane reason, hundreds of children are escorted into our neighborhood, hopefully by a parent or responsible adult. And not just to the neighborhood. The kids actually come directly to our house. And by morning, they are all gone again. It’s nothing short of amazing. 

Several years ago we decided to react to the seasonal influx by rewarding the behavior. And to insure their return, we rewarded them on not one but three key fronts: emotional, physical and spiritual. And how, you may ask, could we accomplish such widely varying goals?  Simple. We, along with many others of our neighbors, dress in some sort of costume to engage their emotions. For example, last night I became none other than Saint Nick himself. Gotta give them a reminder that his time is coming rapidly. We gave - and continue to give to this day - a portion of candy to sate their physical appetites. And we also give a New Testament to provide some food for their souls. The perfect storm. 

Oh, and I forgot to mention that we also hosted a party. We served pizza, and the attendees joined a circle of giving in the front yard, with everyone getting in on the action of giving away stuff. Great fun. 

Romans‬ ‭10‬:‭10 says, For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.

Father, please use the New Testaments we gave out to touch the lives of the kids who received them and their families. Amen. 

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