Sunday, November 5, 2023

November 5 - “Fighting the Evil Demon Devil Weed”

We loaded up the car and headed West yesterday. No, not another trip, sadly. We headed to Bay Harbor to drop Sam off at her house for a while. She needed a kitty fix from her cat. She also had some things she wanted to get done around her house. 

Meanwhile, we went up to the church to join in on the workday. Folks were there working on flowerbeds, organizing the kitchen  and storage closets, and doing some other organizing up in the retreat center. After a chat with the folks staying in the retreat center (a Christian motorcycle gang that has been staying in the retreat center during the big motorcycle rally for years. Well, they haven’t been in there for years. Just once a year for numerous years), Chris and I stationed ourselves on the back porch where the air conditioning units are. It had some considerable weed overgrowth up onto the porch area. Good thing we brought our gardening gloves. A hefty part of the overgrowth was … Evil Demon Devil Weed. This one was particularly evil. The long branch strands snaking around the walls and ground were covered with tiny little thorns that came off and stuck into anything they touched, like fingers. Ouch. Many times over. Ouch. We finally reached Chris’ physical limit and had to leave to get her back home. OK. OK. My back had reached its limit sometime a little quicker than Chris, but I was working through it. It was pretty sore by the time we picked up Sam and got home. We’ll see how today goes. 

Our wayfaring neighbors got home from their anniversary trip. They even brought us back a souvenir. It’s a puzzle called Halloween at Grandpa’s. Has a picture that looks like me on it. Can’t wait to work on that one. 

Job‬ ‭19‬:‭25‬ says, I know that my redeemer lives, and that in the end he will stand on the earth.

Father, thanks for keeping Corey and Janell safe on their trip. Amen. 

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