Monday, November 13, 2023

November 13 - “An errant football”

We went to church to hear Josh preach on Hosea. Then it was on to Sunday School to hear them teach on … Hosea. Same verses. Great discussion. The class we went to had - for some reason - a record attendance in the history of the world. Well, their world. No less than 45 people squeezed into the room (actually it was a pretty big room). 

After church it was racing back to the house for some lunch so we could get loaded up and leave for home right after the piano recital (phew!). 

On the way to the recital we got separated. Josh was leading the way. But all of a sudden, we had to stop for an errant football, followed by an equally errant young human male critter. Chris was paying close attention, though. In fact, she had just remarked about seeing numerous balls of all shapes and sizes. The kid acted very put out that he had to wait to get back across the street. Hey, Buddy. Just thank God that lady driving was watching out for you’ve 

The recital went great. Among the other players, Luke did his solo, then he and Caleb did a duet. Excellent, of course. And then as a cherry on top, Caleb played the final piece of the performance. Absolutely fabulous. We are proud of you guys!

We made a hasty retreat after the recital. Had to get on the road back to Galveston. It was cloudy from the time we left Waco on. In fact it was cloudy the whole weekend. But when we stopped at Buc-ees for a bathroom and supper break, the rain started in earnest. And of course that was my leg of driving, since it was getting dark. So I had double jeopardy. But wait. 

Just as we took our exit to get on I10 toward downtown Houston, the Siri dude directing us went a little nut. He was sending us around the 610 loop, but we were already committed to I10. And before long we found out why the attempted detour. Triple jeopardy. 

Right before our exit to I45 off of I10, in the lane headed to North I45, right in front of us, there was a 5 car pileup. Two fire trucks passed us and set up to block traffic. Four or five wreckers got there, as did at least two police cars. About that time an 18-wheeler put his blinker on to move in front of us. I slowed to let him in. But right behind him was one of those massive busses. He started honking and forcing his way over as well. I had no choice but to wait for him, too. As it turned out, we all had to change lanes again anyway to get around the blockade. Amazingly, once we passed the wreck, we had relatively smooth sailing. Still had to navigate in the rain, but we made home it safely around 7:30 or so. 

And who should greet us but … no, not Freddy. It was one of the neighborhood cats. And it actually tried to get into our house when I was unloading the car. Nope. He finally ran off and sat in the middle of the street, just watching. Cats … nah. 

‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭3‬:‭17‬ says, Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.

Father, thank you for keeping Chris alert when that youngster ran in front of us. His angel did a great job. Amen. 

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