Friday, September 1, 2023

September 1 - “Phantom pain”

Day one post ray gun. I know the doc said to anticipate some sort of issues through Saturday or so, but I gotta say, this was  … uncomfortable. I could feel the injection site, for one thing. Not horrible, but just there. On occasion there were muscle spasms. That was new, but the doc specifically mentioned them. And then there were the off and on stings of what I knew as nerve pain. Guess there was some phantom pain at work. But what can you expect when the procedure was accomplished using alien technology? 

I tried to help with the house cleaning for home group, but Chris threw me to the ground and ripped the vacuum cleaner from my hands. Oh, and speaking of cleaning, I went into the bathroom before supper, and what to my horrified eyes should appear? My gloriously shining image had mysteriously vanished from the lid of the toilet. I was crushed. But word has it that the picture was beginning to reveal more and more signs of some exotic leprositic disease. So, sadly, it’s … gone. 

We had another birthday party at home group last night, amid the battle between the Israelites and Philistines. That thing (the battle, not the birthday bash) has been going on for a week or two now. Or three. Or maybe four. But we did celebrate Bobby’s very special entry into his decade of the 60’s. Welcome to the downhill slide, my friend. 

Psalms‬ ‭34‬:‭18‬ says, The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.

Father, please be with Bobby on his trip back to Tennessee. Amen. 

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