Wednesday, September 20, 2023

September 20 - “Grease Pill and Blood Skinnier”

And so began day one of waiting for the call to get this new stress done. I gotta admit, I was pretty sad about not getting to head out on the trip. Kinda mad at the whole crazy set of circumstances as well. The clock is ticking, you know. And we’ve got things to see, places to go. Best word of encouragement so far? I can’t remember which one it was, but one of my loyal family members offered to go buy me a can of Spam, since I couldn’t get to the Spam Museum in Minnesota. Sigh. I faithfully took my first dose of the Grease Pill (greases the blood vessels so cholesterol won’t stick as easy) and Blood Skinnier (makes the blood thinner so it doesn’t slosh around when it should be flowing freely). We’ll see how those pan out … for the rest of my life! 

I checked My Chart online yesterday afternoon, and lo and behold, I actually had an appointment listed for the Big Test. Unfortunately, it wasn’t until Friday afternoon. There was an option for if I wanted them to notify me should a cancellation arise. Yes, please! So we officially entered the “wait yet again for an earlier time slot to appear” portal. 

So … for our big activity on our first day of “vacation,” we went over to Walmart. Why not? We picked up some fruit and a few other things. Mainly we just walked around like we didn’t have anyplace better to be. 

And our big day one special meal? Chris made some chicken and dumplings. Yumm. That’s a double “umm.”  

Matthew‬ ‭5‬:‭3‬ ‭says, Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Father, it would sure be nice to get this test done before Friday. Amen. 

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