Friday, September 22, 2023

September 22 - “What’s my name?”

I decided to take my regular day off yesterday to allow some physical recuperation before my big test today. Exercise stress echocardiogram. Big name for lying on a table while they do a sonogram, then walking/running on a treadmill while hooked up to cables and an IV. Then, upon the signal of the crew chief, I leap from the treadmill to a bed where they shoot me up with some dye, then redo the sonogram. Sounds like a ride at DisneyWorld. Wheee!

I received a call requesting some important information. Noa was doing a school project and needed to o know the history of our last name. About the best we could do was that it is Welsh and means “Little.” She asked if anyone in our family knew a lot about our family name and stuff. Oh, boy. That would easily be your Uncle Jay, Noa. He knows everything about family names and stuff. I did share the story about my middle name, which is pretty much hers as well - Ray, or in her case - Rae. Ezra then wanted to know what I knew about his middle name. Chuckling, I asked him what his middle name was. “Kelley,” he sheepishly replied. After some “What’s!” and “How did that happen?’s,” Chris had time to look it up on the internet. “Brave Warrior.”  Yup. That’s us, Ezra. Me and your Daddy and you. 

Speaking of those two munchkins, they joined their older brother Josiah and came over to our house for a few hours last night. Mom and Dad went to the Galveston Urban Ministries Gala event. We had a good time of pizza and games and watching crazy obstacle course TV shows. 

Matthew‬ ‭5‬:‭5‬ ‭says, Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.


Father, please be with these techs who will be doing this test today. And please light a fire under the doc’s who have to read it so we can get some answers quickly and literally get on the road. Amen. 

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