Saturday, September 9, 2023

September 9 - “And that led to …”

We ventured outside early to have a look at the aftermath of the plumbing work. Pretty good job of returning the dirt to its original home. But since we were outside anyway, that led to efforts to clean out the flowerbed that houses the clean out drain. And that led to getting out the stickerbur popper to rid the world of a few more evil pests. And that led to Chris retrieving the limb lopper so we could trim “just a few” low-hanging branches from one of the sycamore trees. And that led to trimming the small oleanders on the side of the house. And that led to trimming the big oleander in front of the house, which, by the way, is something I wait for all year long with bated breath. This time I was even allowed to haul out the Sawzall to cut through some of the larger trunks. No, we don’t have a chain saw anymore. It died long ago. But trimming the oleander led to trimming the neighbor’s fledgling tree in their front yard that I have cared for since the city gave it to the vacant house many years ago. And that led to lopping low-hangers on the big sycamore tree right next to the oleander. And that led to getting out the pole saw to cut off a branch way higher than we could reach. And that led to a return to the loppers to cut that massive branch down to manageable size for the trash guys. And that led to Chris’ decision to vacuum out the car. And that led to me putting fresh water into the windshield wiper reservoir. And that led to some extremely tired human beings. 

However, after our showers we went out in the heat once again. This time it was to make a Walmart run. We had quite the lengthy list accumulating. Not to mention the required snacks for our upcoming trip to Minnesota. 

By the time we got back I, for one, was exhausted. I was also a little worried that my back would seize up. OK, and maybe a little worried that I would fall asleep during the Astros game, which, as it turned out, was not televised on accessible TV. And the Astros lost horribly big anyway (11-2, I think). But we both made it through the night. Now to see how limber the old back is today …

‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭4‬:‭18‬ ‭says, So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

Father, thank you for blessing us, even through our “And that led to’s”.  Amen. 

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