Sunday, September 24, 2023

September 24 - “An escape”

An escape is in the works. Before that cardiologist could put the quiatus on us, we decided to hit the road. Not going as far as planned, though. The four days we lost put a crimp in things. But our Plan QRST looms as lots of fun anyway. Details to be revealed as they unfold. Stay tuned. 

We were all loaded up and on the road by 9:53. Chris’ goal was 10, so not far off. It was a Saturday, but hey, we were on vacation. Why not live dangerously? We went to the ferry. The line wasn’t as bad as I thought it might be, but we definitely had to wait. We thought it cute - or maybe a little scary - when Siri told us, without any pauses, “Enter the ferry, then exit the ferry.”  Wait. Like right after each other? But … it’s wet. 

We continued on a generally easterly track. We thought we would find a sign that said we were entering Louisiana, but it never showed up. How did we miss that one?  Twilight Zoned out, I guess. 

We didn’t miss our exit for lunch, though. Nathan and April and Cailyn highly recommend that we try out Steamboat Bill’s on I10 in Lake Charles. Why not? She stuck with the shrimp salad - spicy shrimp salad, that is. I went with my go-to in places like that - popcorn shrimp. Really good stuff. Just a little bit of heat that hit you in back of the throat. Just enough to burn off anything unhealthy, right?  

From there it was ever Eastward toward our goal hotel of night one in Hammond, Loozianny. 

And what to our wondering eyes should appear?

But a football stadium ever so near.

And who was the visiting team, pray tell?

‘Twas the HCU Huskies and that rang a bell. 

We hurried on over to see and to cheer. 

And who was that youngster we saw oh so clear? 

‘Twas none but our Jachin, a trainer he is. 

And after we watched him, he sure was a whiz. 

We saw the game, too, like an afterthought 

The Huskies won, so our trip’s not for naught. 

Whew. That’s enough rhyming for one day. I have to record, however, that the stadium scoreboard’s big commercial before the game was for champagne something or other. The picture was of a Bud Lite, but they never said those words. 

We had to trek all the way around the stadium to find the only entrance we were allowed to take for the visiting team fans. And once inside, we found ourselves in the one half of a section that had been allotted to HCU fans. We made the best of it, though. We were sitting on the front row right at the 50 yard line with some other old timers. We made some new friends, especially when I co-opted one of the home team’s patented cheers. Our neighbors got a big kick out of that. 

After the game we made our way back to the hotel and had a snack. Headed to bed around ten or maybe 10:30. Big day today. I think. 

Oh, here’s an afterthought for ya. I got the results of my stress test test on My Chart. Seems the doc recommended “further testing procedures.”  Guess that means I’ll end up getting a heart cath after all. Eventually. Gee whiz. It’s a shame I’m already out of town. Escaped. 

Matthew‬ ‭5‬:‭7 says, Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.

Father, thanks for getting us this far. Help us to cram in as much fun as we can. Amen. 

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