Saturday, September 30, 2023

September 30 - “A foggy start …”

It was a foggy morning. An ominous chill hung over the …

Well, actually it was the parking lot of the hotel, but I couldn’t figure out how to make that sound mysterious. 

Our first goal site of the day was one we had actually been to before, but never got a National Park stamp to … Cades Cove, an eleven mile circle drive with many mysteries hidden within. 

In a surprise move, we visited the dueling churches. Just like the outside world, there were several branches in evidence. First was the Primitive Baptist Church. As we walked outside we heard some people singing an old hymn. Beautiful. 

Then there was the Not-as Primitive Baptist Church (had a Bible on the pulpit so I turned it to John 3:16). We also walked in the ancient cemetery out back. All of the churches had one. 

The Methodist Church won the day, though. A park Ranger was playing tunes on the mountain dulcimer). Nice. 

Critter report …

We saw numerous wild turkeys strutting around. I even gobbled at one. He shot his head up and stared at me, like he was saying “Happy Thanksgiving“ or maybe “What are YOU looking at!”

We also saw a momma bear and her two cubs. They raced across the road just two cars in front of us. We saw them very clearly but they sprinted so fast that Chris couldn’t get a picture. 

Demonstrations Day:

We watched a few guys and a donkey making sorghum molasses from scratch. Don’t ask.  Free tastes. Good idea. We bought some. Yum. 

We also saw a working blacksmith … a lady. She was good. She was making a spoon. Impressive. 

Next we drove a twisty-turny road to another of the National Park visitor centers. There we hiked their supposed 1 miler. Nope. Our watches recorded 1.43, and we even avoided the last bit because of warnings along the trail to avoid that area. A huge mass of hornets had a nest there, and they weren’t afraid to protect it. 

We finally left the park and had to drive right through the middle of downtown Gatlinburg. That place was hoppin.’  It was like Galveston’s Strand on a summer Saturday. People everywhere.  

The closest hotel was in a place East of there called Greeneville. Lo and behold, that was the very location of our next target, Andrew Johnson National Historical Site. We are headed there this morning. 

Next ……..

Matthew‬ ‭22‬:‭37‬-‭39‬ ‭says, Jesus replied: “ ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’

Father, thank you for the surprise appearance of the bears. Made that whole drive worthwhile. Amen. 

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