Thursday, September 21, 2023

September 21 - “Staycation Day Two”

“Staycation “ Day Two. Woke up still hoping to hear about a cancellation that would open up an earlier slot for me to get this test in. Even 24 hours would be an improvement. I did get a call, but it was just to confirm the appointment on Friday. Oh, well. 

We did decide on another staycation kind of outing. You know. Kind of like Walmart was the day before. And what could be  our exciting excursion for the day? How about some yardwork? 

But first … Chris made a new recipe. It was filled with luscious cinnamon-y, brown sugar-y, heavy cream-ery goodness. Kind of like breakfast bread on steroids. That’s some majorly good stuff. 

The yard work was pretty typical. We mowed and edged and Chris did the sweeping. The bulk of the afternoon we spent watching the Astros. Now that was a gem of a game. About time. Walk off hit in the bottom of the ninth to assure them at least one more day in first place. Perhaps this will turn them around for these last few weeks of the season. 

Matthew‬ ‭5‬:‭4‬ says, Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.

Father, I guess we’re set for the test tomorrow. So will you help me with some patience to get through today?  Amen. 

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