Saturday, September 23, 2023

September 23 - “ESE Day”

I had an interesting greeting from Chris yesterday morning. She came into the office as usual, gave me a morning kiss as usual, sat down and said, “Are you ready?” Well, there’s an intro to what promised to be a “full” day. Yep. It was ESE Day. And that doesn’t translate to “easy.”  Nope that stands for Exercise Stress Echocardiogram Day. Woohoo!

But first …  Christina posted this on her Facebook feed:

Ezra after getting home from an evening with the grandparents- “Fact mom. If we weren’t eating sweets, we were watching tv!”

So … which grandparents could he possibly be referring to? 

OK. Back to the test. This whole idea of “taking ultrasound pictures” in conjunction with the treadmill I’m almost certain is related to the prior usage of alien technology to fry the nerves in my back. They were no doubt worried that some alien microbes might have been inadvertently injected into my system. Said microbes are known to certain scientists to thrive in most alien artifacts. They can also travel across great distances by hitching a ride, so to speak, on the very laser-like beams used to treat my back. The worry, then, was that some of these little critters might be growing inside my heart. The supposed “ultrasound” was actually a targeted effort to destroy the microbes before they could begin their process of reproduction. Now, THAT would have been a whole other story altogether. 

They took some pictures before the test that revealed nothing, but those critters are pretty sneaky. Then after I stayed on the treadmill for 10 minutes (and ran the last few, to the sheer amazement of the tech), they squirted some colorful anti-alien dye through an IV in my arm. If there had been tiny extraterrestrial beings lurking within, they would be engulfed by the dye, making it impossible to hide, thus guaranteeing that they would be drawn out and demolished by the hot gel-enhanced micro illuminator … er … I mean … the “ultrasound machine.”

I gotta say, the hardest part about the whole thing was lying flat on my back. Even my alien ray-enhanced back had a very difficult time with that. Quite painful. Oh, and the other hard part came after all that treadmill running. I had to quickly lie back down on the table, expel what little air was left in my lungs, and then hold my breath … numerous times. If that didn’t raise my heart rate … and draw the evil critters out … I don’t know what would. 

The RN and tech and doctor watching from the room next door apparently didn’t see anything that critically concerned them. They did let me go home, after all. I guess that’s code for “we got ‘em all.” I wasn’t technically released to go on our long trip, though. Only the cardiologist who ordered the test can approve such a radical move. They told us the results would be available on My Chart by the end of the day (which they weren’t). BUT … my cardiologist probably wouldn’t see them before the middle of next week. 

So it’s on to Plan B. Or maybe it’s C or D or whatever iteration we are on now. Today we are planning to sneak away for a trip all right. This one will have to be a bit closer to home, though. Details to follow. Stay tuned …

Matthew‬ ‭5‬:‭6‬ ‭says, Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.

Father, please give my doc the nudge he needs to check out these results sooner rather than later. Amen. 

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