Friday, September 8, 2023

September 8 - “Back for another Y”

Sewer Replacement Day finally arrived. Sounds like a weird thing to celebrate, but hey, it’s most definitely celebration-worthy when you don’t have to wonder if your bathtub will soon be filling up, and you haven’t even turned on the faucet. 

The team was scheduled to be here at “8 a.m. sharp.” That’s what the guy said who called the night before to confirm. To quote an esteemed not-so-secret agent, “Missed it by that much.”  They finally arrived at about 8:20. Not too bad. 

First order of business was to clear the blockage … again. That would avoid any “surprises “ for them when they dug down to remove the old pipe. It would also make it possible for us “if you have to go” while they are digging. Appreciate that, guys. 

They got it uncovered and discovered at least two obvious holes, two questionable patches, plus the one obvious break the other guy found when he came last month. The pipe itself was used primarily during and just after World War II. Pretty impressed that it has lasted this long.  And then they uncovered a bit of a plot twist. 

Then they found that the original pipe actually had a Y connection leading over to the side of the house. Apparently, that’s how the plumbing issue was solved when the previous owners added on a bathroom in the back of the house. The original comments included words like “back to the shop for another Y” and “if we have to finish tomorrow.”  Not a very exciting thought. 

They were still going at it at 6:00, well past their expected completion time of 5:00, but they stayed until the job was finished, close to 7:00. And the charge was the same as the estimate. All done pretty much right before Home Group folks started arriving. Nice job, Lister. 

1 Samuel‬ ‭2‬:‭2‬ ‭says, There is no one holy like the Lord; there is no one besides you; there is no Rock like our God.

Father, thank you for the focus and creativity of the plumbers today. Bless them with a great new day today. Amen. 

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