Wednesday, July 7, 2021

July 7 – “Dream attack”

Great dream last night.  Involved guns.  Actually it felt more like I was living in one of those shoot-‘em-up video games.  My team and I rounded a corner, only to come face to face with the enemy, a group of men and women wearing caps and scarves wrapped around their heads.  And they had hostages.  Our only weapons were pistols, but the hostages blocked any clear shots.  And when we did fire, it didn’t have any effect on them.  The bad guys knew they had us over a barrel, so they simply laughed and pushed their way ahead, right toward us.  As they approached, I did what any self-respecting good guy would do.  I started hand-to-hand combat techniques.  Finally I saw just the opening I needed.  Employing the vast martial arts skills I obviously had at my disposal, I aimed a kick at the head of the nearest attacker.  Missed.  But I had his attention now.  I looked for another shot …


And then Chris woke me up.  Something about me kicking and flailing all about the bed.  Actually, she didn’t use the word flailing.  I added that one.  Just sounds kind of descriptive.  What had actually happened?  I was tangled up in the covers and had apparently tried to roll over unsuccessfully.  And what became of the hostages?  Not sure, but my hero rescued me.  Thanks, Chris. 


Matthew 7:24 says, “Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who builds his house on the rock.”


Father, thank you for sleep and the “wonders” of dreaming that it brings.  Amen.


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