Saturday, July 10, 2021

July 10 – “It was truly a DRD”

It was truly a DRD - dreary, rainy day.  From the time we woke up until well into the afternoon, the threat, and often the carrying out of that threat, of rain hung over the world.  Well, our world anyway.  But, no.  I’m not speaking metaphorically.  We’re doing pretty good, actually.  I mean it was actually a dreary, rainy day. 


So what do you do on a dreary, rainy day?  Hopping into puddles and sailing toy boats in the gutters certainly sounded like exciting and wonderful possibilities, especially since just the day before we had to fish the neighbor’s trash bag out from under the truck, where it had floated during a particularly strong downpour.  Have you ever done that?  Not the garbage bag fishing.  I mean the floating toy boats thing.  Don’t have a plastic sailing vessel handy?  As I recall, you can create seaworthy ships from a folded piece of paper or a stray tree branch.  You can build your own dam, not to generate hydro-electricity (although that would be an admirable feat), but to see what manner of stray objects find their way into your makeshift lake.  And then comes the really fun part … breaking the dam and watching your tiny little boat careen down the gutter into the now raging rapids, until finally it disappears into the black abyss that is … the storm drain at the end of the street.  Great fun.  Great fun.


Romans 12:1 says, “Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God – this is your true and proper worship.”


Father, thank you for random memories of a simpler, and much less stressful time.  Amen.

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