Monday, July 19, 2021

July 19 – “A Blurry Day”

Honestly, yesterday was one of those “Blur” kinds of days.  Not “Blah.”  “Blur.”  I know what happened.  It was Sunday, after all.  It was just that I was still in kind of a funk after the long day on Saturday.  It’s like back when I was much younger and used to go to those things called youth lock-ins where everyone stayed up all night.  Always took me two or three days to recover.  Hope it didn’t affect the teaching too much.


But back to church …

I guess the most significant thing that happened there (aside from worship, of course) was the fact that we accepted the staff search team’s recommendation by consensus (actually by unanimous consent) for Kel Vaughan to be called as our co-pastor.  He will work alongside me for six months, and then when I retire, he will become the senior pastor and I will fade into oblivion.  Everybody seemed really excited about the decision, and the consensus vote was an easy one.  Welcome (back) to Seaside Kel and Family.


We also had our usual third Sunday dinner on the grounds.  Can’t skip that, you know, even with another meal next week.  Gotta give those July birthdays and anniversaries a chance to be first in line.  The food was great, as usual, and there was lots of buzz about the anniversary.  And it reminded me just how much I still have to do this week to get ready for the big day. 


Back home, I know the Astros played, but I don’t remember much of the game.  I dozed through pretty much all of it.  From the final score, it sounds like I didn’t miss much.  I did wake up in time to see the weird double play Maldonado turned at third base.  That one even confused the umpires.  Took all four of them to figure it out.  Gotta love them Astros.


Psalms 105:1 says, “Give praise to the Lord, proclaim his name; make known among the nations what he has done.”


Father, thank you for yet another great day of worship and fellowship.  Please be with us this week.  I know I need some extra stamina to handle going to Matt’s funeral as well as getting all the anniversary prep done.  Amen.

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