Monday, July 12, 2021

July 12 – “Exciting times three”

We had a pretty exciting meeting after church yesterday.  The staff search team interviewed our candidate and his wife in what was the final connection before he is presented to the church next Sunday.  Everything seemed to go very well.  Both “sides” were excited about all the possibilities before us, so all is a go for the presentation on Sunday.  Thank you so much to the team for all their work up to this point.  Great job, guys.


Chris and I had quite the exciting surprise at church.  Some friends from our seminary days showed up for a visit.  Brought their whole family, too.  All ten or twelve of them.  And that’s just the ones who have already arrived.  They are getting together in Galveston for a week for some R&R.  Judy used to babysit Kel when I was in class.  I remember he called their girls Shannonamber.  Didn’t matter which one he was talking about.  They both were Shannonamber.  Great reminiscing with the Featherstone Family.  Have a fun week, guys.


The rest of the afternoon we spent hanging out with Kel and Christina and their kiddos.  Actually the older guys watched the Astros game, and I have to confess, there may or may not have been some home run dancing going on at the end of the game.  The Astros came into the bottom of the ninth behind 7-2.   After a couple of doubles and a single or two, Jose Altuve hit a walk-off three-run home run to defeat the Yankees.  Of course any walk-off is exciting, but against the Yankees … priceless.


1 Corinthians 13:1 says, “If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal.”


Father, thank you for the work of the staff search team.  Please give them and the church a clear indication of your will in the decision on Sunday.  Amen.

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