Sunday, July 11, 2021

July 11 – “1100-ish”

We began work on a new puzzle the other day.  It is a map of the United States with the National Parks identified and information strewn all about the picture.  Lots of information.  In other words, lots of words.  Sometimes that is a good thing.  Makes it easier to match up.  I’m still not sure about how easy the overabundance of verbiage made this one.  It has been fun to run across places we have already been.  At least then I know about where they are on the map. 


Lauren came by yesterday.  She brought over some more photos.  They were the last ones I was waiting on before I made the print order.  And what an order that was.  I did it in four parts, one for each era of the church.  I think the total was somewhere around 1100 prints.  I found a really good deal online, though.  In fact, I ordered them in the morning, and they were ready by 2:00 yesterday afternoon.  Now we just need to pick up the albums to put them in.


I’ve started getting a few more RSVP’s to the anniversary celebration.  Even got one yesterday from some friends in Arlington.  There are a few others I am really hoping can make it.  Haven’t seen them in some years.  Lanny would be great to see again.  He lives in Waco now.  And Andy would be a lot of fun.  He’s over in South Carolina, I think.  I told him he should come and bring his bagpipes.  That would be a real treat.  I’m also hoping some folks will just surprise us and show up.  I like surprises …


Mark 9:23 says, “’If you can?’ said Jesus.  ‘Everything is possible for one who believes.’”


Father, thanks for all the pieces of this anniversary puzzle that seem to be coming together.  Please use that celebration to honor your name.  Amen.

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