Monday, July 5, 2021

July 5 - "Flying Freddy"

Chris made French toast yesterday.  Oh, and bacon.  I can discern the sweet.  Not so much the bacon.  I know.  Tragedy, right?  That’s a real issue, not being able to fully taste the glories of bacon.  But all was not lost.  I poured some sugar on it.  That helped a lot. 


We took a walk around the block last night.  My first foray into the post-Covid world of exercise.  We even took Freddy with us.  And that was a decision that almost led to … an incident.  As we strolled down the street, I noticed two little dogs, about Freddy’s size, roaming free up ahead.  Well, not exactly roaming, but free, nonetheless.  Each of their owners was trying to corral them with little success.  All of a sudden the one that looked like a tiny miniature greyhound noticed us … well, Freddy in particular.  He took off running like one of his larger cousins straight for us.  Freddy fidgeted nervously.  I was going to let them do their doggie thing and introduce themselves.  Well, right up until it became evident that the pother dog had no intention of being particularly civil.  His growl and bared teeth proved otherwise.  Imagine his surprise, though, when he found out Freddy could fly.  Well, with a little assistance from her harness and a flick of my wrist, she vaulted into the sky like that giant rubber band ride that used to be on the Seawall.  She went from certain doom to the safety of my arms.  The other pup’s owner was mortified as she finally caught up with us.  Not a recommended way to meet the neighbors.  Freddy was just scared.  No harm done.  She wasn’t too sure about walking next to me, though.  Strange, frightening things happen on my side of the road …


Psalms 100:5 says, “For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.”


Father, thank you for safety harnesses and strong leashes.  Amen.


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