Wednesday, December 1, 2021

December 1 – “Happy December”

Well, well, well.  Happy December. 


Since the big December start day was so impending, we spent some more time decorating yesterday.  We attacked the tree again.  More ornaments.  This year we have added a lot of the ones Chris has picked up on our travels around the country.  Florida lighthouses seemed to win the award for most representation in a category.  We also began pulling out more of eth nativity scenes.  I predict Chris’ goal is to be ready for home group tomorrow night.  We’ll see.  We still have a long way to go.


Much of the day for me was spent at the computer.  Sermon prep takes time.  Chris did a lot of work on prep for Bethlehem Street Market.  She is still getting emails and calls from vendors.  Hopefully the spaces will all fill up and the market will be a good one for the vendors … and the folks who still need Christmas presents. 


I did make a quick trip to the hospital last night.  Not for Chris, though.  This time I went to check on Baby Roman, one of the absolute newest Seasiders.  He was having some high temperature issues, so Mom and Dad took him to the ER.  He was finally admitted so they could monitor him and get some fluids down him.  The official diagnosis was adenovirus, a respiratory issue.  The hope is that he can stabilize enough to go home today.  I’m sure Roman and Cory and Sarah could use some extra prayers today. 


John 7:38 says, “Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.”


Father, please touch Roman with your love and healing.  Ease the fever within him and give the doctors and nurses a wise hand and a kind heart.  Amen.

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