Sunday, December 19, 2021

December 19 – “two grandparentses”

Yesterday we enjoyed our very own Super Saturday of basketball.  Cary and KayLynn, our good friends and surrogate grandparents on occasion, even drove in from Arlington for the big day.  As AnnaGrace commented upon gazing at the sea of elderly in her living room, “Now we have two grandparentses here.”  We also got to meet the newest member of their family, a bumbling, dumbling, goofball of a chocolate Lab puppy named MaddieBelle.  She is loads of fun, and the kids all are doing their best to teach her proper inside protocols.  They each take turns sitting in the makeshift pen with her, “so she won’t be alone.”  Now understand that I said “the kids” there.  I mean all of them … including Josh and Christi.  That pup is getting some serious spoiling.  It’ll be interesting to see how she interacts with the other grandpups when they come see us in a week or so. 


A quick game report for the basketball day:

Caleb’s lost in a game in which they were clearly outmatched.  They gave it their hardest, though.  I was especially impressed with Caleb’s defense.  Very aggressive.  His Uncle Nathan would have been extra proud of him.  Why?  He fouled out of the game.  Sigh.  Fouling … Kind of a Nathan specialty.


Now Luke’s team proved to be the dominators rather than the dominated.  They pretty much had their way with the poor guys on the other team.  Other than the opponent’s point guard, a little bitty guy who could dribble with the best of them right-handed, they just didn’t have the personnel to match up.  The final score was 14-5.  Oh, and Luke scored 10 of those.  Not saying there is a proud grandparent anywhere around or anything …


Zak’s game was the finale of the bunch.  Of course the speed and quality of play drastically increased.  Zak’s team started a little slow, but ended up winning by 20 points.  And Zak scored 9 points, a fine tally, but his little brother Luke made sure to record for posterity that he scored one more than his big brother.  They are engaged in a raging sibling rivalry to see who can end the season with the highest per-game scoring total.  Personally, I was more impressed with Zak’s intense defense and above all, his rebounding.  Often the shortest guy on the floor, he showed a knack for getting to position to out-jump much taller guys and grab the ball.  Checking box number three here … It’s official.  The Vaughan boys proved themselves to be … well, awesome.  Little sister was a joy to be around.  And grandpup MaddieBelle was the icing on the cake.  Nani and DadDad were most assuredly beaming the rest of the day.


John 3:16 says, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” 


Father, thank you for a really fun day of sports and puppy-snuggling.  Be with Josh as he preaches here and Kel as he shares with Seaside back home.  Amen.

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