Wednesday, December 29, 2021

December 29 – “The Process of Pre-activity”

Chris and I walked a mile and a half yesterday.  she decided she felt up to adding an extra loop to the course.  About halfway through my new watch buzzed on my arm.  When I checked it, the thing said to me, “You appear to be exercising.  Want to keep track of it?”  Well, that was weird.  Although I guess it had been along for the ride the whole time, so why shouldn’t it be aware of what we were doing?  Just kind of unexpected that it would pull on my coattails, so to speak, and begin a conversation with me.  I replied, “Sure, you can do that if it makes you feel better.”  Chris told me I had to push a button to talk back to it.  Figures.  She actually walked me through the whole process of pre-activity when we got back home.  Apparently I was supposed to push a few buttons before we ever left the house for the walk to let the little creature inside know what was coming.  He likes to be kept in the loop.


We did some last-minute gift wrapping.  Well, Chris did the wrapping.  My job was to write the recipient’s name on the gift tag.  So if you get the wrong gift from us, I’m the guy you need to complain to.  While wrapping we discovered just a few more things we wanted to get, so I went to Walmart while Chris made some divinity.  Of course that is terrible stuff.  No one likes it at all.  Except maybe Jachin, but he is in Lubbock, so at least I get a head start on him.  If you haven’t already, you definitely need to read here, “sarcasm.”  Her divinity is amazing.  She also made some of that white chocolate covered stuff – wheat chex and pretzels and M&M’s and cheerios.  Yum.  She’s making all this good sweet stuff, and yesterday she told me I better enjoy it, because after the first of the year she was gonna see to it that I lose some weight.  Not sure where that threat came from.  I think she just doesn’t want to be the only one losing weight around here, and there isn’t much other choice for a companion.


We had a pleasant surprise in the afternoon.  Nathan and Cailyn stopped by after their trip to Galveston Kroger.  Actually they also had to drop off one of Cailyn’s friends who lives here, hence the Galveston Kroger stop.  They chatted and ate their lunch – some kind of raw fish bait looking stuff.  Sushi, maybe?  As always, it was great to see them.  They will be back tomorrow for Family Christmas. 


We finished off the day by watching some Texas Tech football and a Harry Potter movie.  Missed the Houston Cougar game earlier in the day, but the good guys won both games.  Guess Harry won, too, so that makes three for three …


Proverbs 21:21 says, “Whoever pursues righteousness and love finds life, prosperity and honor.”


Father, please be with Josh and Kel and their families as they travel today.  Amen.

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