Tuesday, December 28, 2021

December 28 – “The inspection ... sort of”

Chris took some extra time out of her busy day yesterday to show me how to use my brand new iWatch (or whatever they call it).  It’s the kind that connects with your iPhone.  Now I can do EKG’s and check my heart rate and blood oxygen levels just like her.  I can check the weather here and in Waco or Denver.  Basically … it can do almost everything my phone can do.  Oh, yeah.  It can even tell me what time it is.  Imagine that.  Whatta watch.


Chris went in for a recheck to her eye doctor yesterday.  She is having trouble with her eyes being really dry.  The doc said she is convinced that it is medication related.  The cardiology docs are just as certain it is not.  The only resolution is for them to treat the symptoms.  Strangely enough, that’s exactly what Chris wanted … relief from the symptoms.  Imagine that.  She now has eye drops that she is supposed to put in a few times a day. 


Meanwhile, I went down to the Jamaica Beach City Hall to get a permit for the stairs replacement job we had done.  I know.  Kind of backwards, but they are really bending over backwards to help us on this.  The lady I needed to see was out on an inspection, but she was expected back soon, so they assured me she would call me when she got back.  That was around 9 a.m.  I decided to go back over to the church.  I wanted to get started on getting a handle on just what was in the office there that I need to bring home by the end of the month.  It will mainly be my books, of course.  I also have two file cabinets there that are mine.  Both full of stuff, of course.  And a lot of trinkets and souvenirs that I have accumulated over the years.  No idea where to put any of that stuff at home, though.


So back to my story.  Finally at around 11 I called the inspector’s office back and left a message.  A few minutes later I decided to just go back over there.  This time she was in her office, but she was just finishing up with the guy ahead of me.  I hung out in the city’s little museum.  Seaside has two mentions in the timeline of Jamaica Beach History they have on the wall.  One notes the year the church began meeting (1991).  The second records the first ever Easter sunrise service on the beach (1994).  Glad we have continued both of those traditions through the last 26 years.


The inspector finally finished and came to get me.  Very nice lady.  She even suggested we go on over to the church so she could show me what needed to be done.  She did all her measurements, and said they were all within proper range.  Well, except for the final step onto the ground.  We need to build a platform of some kind between the bottom step and the concrete walkway.  Otherwise we are good to go.  By a really fortunate coincidence, Ed happened to be driving by, so he stopped to see what was going on.  I asked him to weigh in on the situation to get a fuller, construction-guy take on the whole thing.  He agreed with the bottom step thing, and he also recommended some structural modifications to the point where the stairs tie into the deck.  Bottom line form both of them was that the stairs are sturdy enough, but could be better.  We want better. 


I went right back over to City Hall and got the permit we are required to have.  Then I talked to John, a contractor friend, on my way home.  He will take a look at it in the new year and get them fixed up so they can pass full inspection.  Whew.  That’s a load off my mind.


Psalms 23:3 says, “He refreshes my soul.  He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake.”


Father, thank you for the help and willingness to work with us of the inspector (Anna) and City Hall staff (Nola) and Ed and John.  Jamaica Beach has been a great place to have connections.  Amen.

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