Monday, December 6, 2021

December 6 – “Work and Play”

That was a full day.  Really great crowd at church.  Around fifty.  Several new families, which is always a plus.  Chris even had two new little girls in the nursery.  She said they were precious.  Very well-mannered.  Good thing.  As much as she loves the little ones, they can be a handful sometimes. 


The activity level increased dramatically after church.  People sprang into action everywhere getting ready for Bethlehem Street Market.  That meant all the chairs had to be stacked five high and dragged into the nursery room.  Every other bit of furniture was squeezed into the office.  I saw Noa and Ezra both doing some sweeping.  Josiah was assisting with the heavy lifting.  Strong kid, that one. 


Upstairs in the retreat center a similar process was happening.  We adjusted our vision a little since Covid caused cancellation of the event last year.  We ordinarily would empty one bunk room into one of the others to make way for vendor space.  Since we are down a bit on the number of vendors, we just cleared out the other usual spots and left the bunks where they were.  That may change by the end of the week, though.  Chris and Lauren have already received word form several more interested vendors.  Friday may be rather frantic. 


Meanwhile, decorating began upstairs as well.  Christmas trees were pulled down from their storage perch and assembled.  MaryAnne couldn’t wait to begin decorating them.  Tables were arranged in what will in just a few days transform into “Soup Central.”  Cathy vacuumed the floor … and that’s a lotta floor.  The huge banner that reads, “Craft Fair” was found and repaired.  Ray added the date and times with some tape, and he and Jim and Lauren hung it from the balcony.  We’ve had to be a little creative since we lost our changeable sign in that last storm, but we’re doing our best to get the word out.  And through it all, Chris was there, doing her supervisory thing.  Even upstairs.  She did walk up the ramp, so she didn't use the stairs.  She was pushing the envelope a bit, though.  We'll see how sore she is today ...

Oh, and speaking of stairs ... in one final bit of transformation, Stewart continued his fine craftsmanship in replacing the staircase to the retreat center.  He’s almost done, so they will be ready in plenty of time for the Market.


Whew.  As if that wasn’t enough, we raced away from there to join another event already in progress.  Kel and Christina celebrated 18 years of being parents.  Well, that’s just how they put it.  Actually, it was a surprise 18th birthday party for Jachin.  Ten or twelve of his friends met at an elementary school playground.  They played football, basketball, kickball, wiffleball.  Non-stop for a good two-plus hours.  Plenty of time for me to catch a quick nap on the park bench we found …


2 Chronicles 7:14 says, “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”


Father, thank you for Jachin.  Help him to continue growing into a man of God who loves you above all else.  Amen.

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