Monday, December 20, 2021

December 20 – “An excellent tour guide”

We went to church with Josh and Christi and family yesterday.  It was quite the experience.  I knew it would be exciting when AnnaGrace volunteered to take us up to the balcony to their usual seat while Mommy prepared her Sunday school room.  On the way inside the building, we saw one of the children’s ministry workers that we met at Kids’ Camp.  I happened to know that it was her birthday (thanks to Facebook’s daily notifications).  What else could I do to honor such an occasion but sing to her on the steps of the sanctuary.  Loudly.  The kids she was supervising at the time loved every minute of it. 


But back to the story.  The newly arrived at five years old (that would be AnnaGrace, not Christi) marched us up the stairs and into their favorite pew.  From that vantage point she regaled Chris with details on how their church was “a little different” from ours.  The only one I could hear was the fact that theirs is a little bigger.  Actually, Seaside’s worship center could fit inside theirs probably three times, maybe four.  So … nice observation, AnnaGrace.  You are an excellent tour guide.


The service had some of the same elements as ours, only done in a slightly different way.  They lit an Advent candle, then read a scripture in English and Spanish.  They also did a choir special of a medley of spirituals all centered around the Christmas story.  I got a kick out of one situation during the congregational singing, though.  We started into a rousing rendition of Go Tell It on the Mountain.  Of course Chris and I couldn’t help ourselves.  We sang the Galveston-corrected version – “Go Tell It on the Island, over the dunes and everywhere.”  Caleb and Luke looked a bit puzzled until Chris explained what we were saying and why.  Then Caleb broke into a huge smile and gave me a big thumbs up.  He loved it.  I think we may have a convert.


We left right after church for home.  We intended to stop at Cracker Barrel in Bryan-College Station for some lunch, but the place was packed.  Couldn’t even find a place to park.  So it was on to Buc-ees for a chicken fajita wrap and a deluxe BLT, extra bacon.  Bet you can’t guess who ordered what?  It was some good stuff.  And fast. 


We arrived home around 3 or so.  And what should we see as we drove up, but the front door open and Freddy standing at the storm door to greet us.  Seems the Kel family had crashed at our house after church.  Christina was out shopping somewhere, so it was easier for them to hang around, since we had the special event last night at 6.  Speaking of said special event, the Caroling Down Under (Christmas carol singing under the retreat center building) went well last night.  Several visitors came, and one gentleman even joined the praise team.  He told me later that he kind of understood what was happening at Seaside with me retiring and my son taking over.  With him it had been a little different.  Seems he retired and his Dad took over for him.  Go for it, Dad …


Habakkuk 2:14 says, “For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.”


Father, thank you for the folks who came out last night for the singing.  And a special thanks for the way Jim welcomes people to join in with leading worship.  We have been blessed by some really special folks that way.  Amen.

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