Thursday, December 30, 2021

December 30 – “Completing a Christmas Experience”

I made yet another quick trip over to Walmart yesterday.  This is getting to be quite the regular occurrence.  This time we needed one element to complete one particular grandchild’s Christmas Experience.  Gummy Bears.  Yup.  That was the only one of the two favorite candies expressed by Luke that we didn’t have any of.  His other favorite was candy corn.  That’s my grandson right there.  Candy corn.  Good stuff.  But I ran into a slight problem.  The only gummy bears I could find that actually said “gummy bears” were the Walmart value kind.  One bag left.  Now, they probably tasted the same.  I don’t know because gummy bears are decidedly not on my personal favorites list.  But even looking at them through the little window on the bag?  Nope.  Couldn’t do it.  They looked … nasty.  So, like any self-respecting grandparent, I upgraded him a bit to a name brand’s specialty edition.  Hope he still likes ‘em.


I had a meeting at church right after lunch, and by the time I got back home Josh and his family were there.  They were in the process of getting their new lab puppy MaddieBelle established for the next few days.  Seems Freddy did a little dominance asserting when they arrived.  MaddieBelle didn’t seem to mind.  She rolled right over. Guess she was waiting for Freddy to rub her belly or something.  Glad they got that out of the way. 


The rest of the day was spent pretty much relaxing.  We watched college football with the dream analyst who knows all and sees all about any sport known to man and a few that haven’t as yet been discovered, Caleb.  The kid is a whiz.  I did catch him on one tiny thing, though.  I saw the Oklahoma coach on the sidelines and identified him as Bob Stoops.  Caleb corrected me.  Come to find out, he is not actually the real coach.  He is just interim.  We were both right.  Of course then Caleb proceeded to name his predecessor and where he was now coaching.  Another win for the sports professor.


1 Corinthians 10: 31 says, “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.”


Father, thank you for getting Josh and his family here safely.  And thanks for riding with Kel and his crew all the way back from Lubbock.  Amen.

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