Wednesday, December 22, 2021

December 22 – “Getting close”

Chris went to cardiac rehab again.  The 36 session process has begun in earnest.  The appointments are not set up as regularly as they were last time.  Some weeks she has two, others three, and a few only have one.  She is jumping right in with a vengeance, though.  The first session was easier than she expected, but in this second one they turned up the intensity a notch or two.  She’ll get into the flow of things before long, though.


Meanwhile, I actually went shopping.  I picked up a gift for Chris,. But my main goal was to finish grabbing my infamous Dad gifts for the alleged “adults” in our immediate family.  These are the ones that are like gag gifts, only way better.  They are from me.  They are also well-thought out expressions of a Dad’s love during a time when a simple Dad Joke just doesn’t seem like quite enough.


I spent a lot of time working on the sermon for Sunday.  It should probably be two different ones, so I have to decide what to leave out and what to emphasize.  That’s hard, too.  It’s a really fun story. 


Once Chris had a chance to look over the Christmas gifts, we made a trip over to Target.  A few things there satisfied some of our list.  Then it was back to the house where Chris went into a wrapping frenzy.  Once it’s wrapped, she copies it over in ink on her master list, and that one is officially done.  We’re getting awfully close, but we’re not done yet.  I have one more Dad Gift to go.  We have a few others still hanging on the big list as well.  Gotta love Christmas.


Isaiah 7:14 says, “Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel.”


Father, please be with Chris at rehab today.  Help her to get back into the flow of things quickly.  Amen.

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