Tuesday, November 30, 2021

November 30 – “Catching up on Christmas”

We stayed pretty close to home for the better part of the day yesterday.  It is my turn to preach on Sunday, so I was hard at work on the computer, developing a sermon and sending al the tools and visuals to Kel so he can get them into the visual production arm of the new computer that I have no idea how to work as of yet.  It will be the second Sunday in Advent.  We have our overarching theme of the Goodness of God, as well as the theme for the day, Peace.  The idea is for it all to mesh together into a cohesive worship experience.  That’s the part that we leave to the Holy Spirit. 


We did spend some time decorating the Christmas tree. Catching up on Christmas.  The kids helped get it put up and the lights on.  That’s the hard part.  Now we will be slowly adding ornament after ornament until the tree is complete.  Then we need to add the Christmas touches to the rest of the house.  Nativity scenes and Christmas stuffed bears and outside lights, of course.  It is quite the ordeal.  Guess that’s why Chris crashed for a while on the couch after a bin or two of ornaments.  She needed the break, for sure. 


Speaking of breaks, we took one of those and actually took a little walk.  By “little” I mean to the corner stop sign and back.  That would be the length of one house.  I think that would be within the doc’s limits of “no long walks.”  It certainly was NOT long …


Last night we went to Cailyn’s basketball game.  This time it was in LaMarque.  She was supposed to have a B Team game and an A Team (Cailyn’s team) game.  We found out after we arrived that they only have one team, so our girls were going to split the difference.  The B Team would play the first half and the A Team would take over and play the second half.  I was a little bit worried for the B Team.  The opponents were quite a bit larger than they were.  But they held their own, and even handed over a slight lead to the more skilled A Team.  That’s when things took off for the good guys.  By the time the dust settled and the referee’s weird calls in favor of the opponent passed, the good guys (Santa Fe) had pulled away for an easy 15-7 victory.  Cailyn, of course did an excellent job, especially on defense.  It was fun for us as well.  Santa Fe travels well.  That means there were lots of fans in the stands.  But then, when there are ten girls on each of two teams, all expecting to play a full game, that’s a lot of family.  But personally, I got a kick out of sitting near Nathan and watching him sit on his hands and stifle his comments.  Hard to be just a spectator when you were an athlete, isn’t it? Great fun …


2 Corinthians 9:6 says, “Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.”


Father, thank you for the time Chris and I had together yesterday.  Basketball and Christmas ornaments.  That’s quite a day.  Amen.

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