Saturday, November 13, 2021

November 13 – “On weddings and funerals and… dates”

We had a special treat on Thursday after home group.  Susan and Juan came over to do a marriage vows renewal.  They were married on our deck ten years ago in a secret ceremony.  Their regular ceremony came a few weeks later.  This time, however, they brought family and friends to experience it with them.  It was short, but sweet.  Juan’s Mom commented on their way out that she really sensed a supernatural peace about our house when she walked in.  She attributed it to the Holy Spirit.  Absolutely, Mom.  That sort of thing is definitely His department.


Yesterday we drove to West Houston for a memorial service for the mother of one of our Seasiders, Dianne.  Several other Seasiders made the trek as well.  What we thought would be an easy drive turned pretty difficult in the last few feet of the journey.  Seriously.  Our final turn was indicated as less than a mile away when the “Construction: Detour” sign appeared.  Five minutes turned into ten as we circled around and through a parking lot – twice – to find a way onto the proper road.  We did make it with a few minutes to spare, and the service didn’t start on time, anyway, so we were all good.


The church chapel was amazing.  Beautiful stained-glass panels.  Very much a God-church design.  Everything was meticulously arranged to make you look upward to God.  A professional, concert trained pianist and a cellist provided the music.  Two of the granddaughters spoke about their Meemaw, and both did a fabulous job.  Afterwards we had a chance to chat with Dianne and meet some of her family.  She was absolutely giddy at the presence of so many of her relatives she hadn’t see in many years. 


We decided to take a different route home.  This one avoided the construction zones.  It also took us right to our alma mater, Houston Baptist University.  There have been some big changes since we were students there.  Hey.  There have been big changes since we were last there just several years ago for a football game.  That was a big change in itself.  We never had football.  Just basketball.  It was homecoming weekend, but there were no activities that we could find on Friday.  Everything was today in conjunction with the football game.  Sigh.  Football in Texas.  Gotta have it, I guess.


We stopped at the Chick-Fil-A near the campus for some lunch.  We saw some nursing students, so Chris got to reminisce a bit about the outfits she had to wear back then, as opposed to the scrubs these girls were wearing.  The food was passable.  Grilled chicken club sandwiches.  And Chris gave me all the bacon off of hers.  Can’t beat that. 


We made it home in time to crash on the couch and watch the new version of Home Alone Disney put out.  Not even close to as good as the others.  The premise was even borderline out of line.  But I won’t go into that.  Don’t want to spoil the experience for you.  There are a few funny parts.  Pay attention to yard signs and police officers.  OK.  That’s all the clues you get from me. 


By the way … this counts as a date, doesn’t it?


Luke 6:12 says, “One of those days Jesus went out to a mountainside to pray, and spent the night praying to God.”


Father, please continue to be with Dianne and her family as they walk through grief and celebration.  Welcome her Mom into your rest.  Amen.

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