Saturday, January 8, 2022

January 8 – “Squeaker of the Year and a Galveston wedding”

We had what I would call a productive day yesterday.  We had some errands to run, and in spite of the nasty, cold weather, we decided to brave the elements and get stuff done.  I can’t say we were completely successful.  We didn’t find everything we were looking for, but on the other hand …


Our first stop was actually for lunch at Shrimp and Stuff.  Chris’ suggestion.  Always a great plan.  I had the fried shrimp and crab balls.  Even gave me an extra shrimp.  Chris had shrimp salad.  A veritable feast. 


Next we went to Academy.  I had a coupon where if we spent $50 we would get $10 off.  Pretty good ruse, but hey, that’s a 20% savings, isn’t it?  When we couldn’t find the birthday present we were looking for, we moved to Plan B, shoes for me.  The ones I have been wearing win the Squeaker of the Year award instead of Sneaker of the Year.  Drove me nuts.  Well, more nuts than I already was.  I switched brands this time.  No more Nikes.  Now I’m trying out Sketchers.  It’s the brand Chris has been wearing for years, and she loves them.  We’ll see.


Next we stopped in at Target.  Had to make a return, which led to an in-store gift card that we just had to find something to buy with.  Before we could get started, though, we ran into Haley and John.  Had to spend some time catching up with them.  Haley is recovering from a nasty skiing accident.  Not sure yet what the diagnosis will be, but she thinks it is probably a ligament issue.  Ouch.  Back to the shopping portion of the adventure, Chris did find a few things to buy for herself (for a change), and we even still have a few bucks left on the gift card.


Last night I had a wedding to perform in Pirate’s Beach.  Some Seasiders who have transplanted from Seattle.  The ceremony was held on the deck of a beautiful home, with the beach in the background.  Gorgeous.  Only problem was … it was bitterly cold.  High 40’s to low 50’s.  A bit windy.  The bride wore a beautiful wedding gown with shoulders exposed to the elements.  The groom was even better (or crazier).  He wore shorts and a Hawaiian shirt with sandals.  I wore slacks and a long-sleeved shirt … and a coat.  But then, I’m not from Seattle.  They did a sand ceremony unlike any I have seen to date.  Each of them poured their blue and white-colored sand into a central jar, but then they invited everyone there to come up and pour some in as well.  Red.  Then after the service I joined the kids in the driveway, and we smashed those fireworks that you just toss at the ground and they explode. Very patriotic family, this one.  Many congrats to Walt and Mary.  Great couple.


Matthew 18:20 says, “For where two or three gather in my name, there I am with them.”


Father, please stay beside Walt and Mary as they continue walking with you.  Amen.

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