Tuesday, January 25, 2022

January 25 – “Three stops …”

Yesterday turned into errand day.  Well, after I did some preliminary work on the sermon for Sunday.  Still have some finishing touches on that before I can start just going over it a time or three.  We are creating a combination installation/retirement service for before the actual retirement craziness begins.  It’s been kind of fun coming up with a new approach to the whole situation, yet still making it a teaching/worship scenario. 


Our first stop was Home Depot.  Chris checked online, and they had good sized boxes for packing books.  I suppose it is finally time for me to get the horde of books that are mine out of the office at church.  I had to clear off a table in the garage to stack a tiny portion of them on.  I checked in the attic to see if there was any room for some things now living in the garage to move up there to make more room downstairs for books.  There is room for a few boxes, but the ones I wanted to move up there must weigh a ton … each.  Guess that won’t be happening.  Not sure where the other books will end up, then.  Chris is back to doing heavy research on bookcases.  Trying to decide if it will be better (read here “cheaper”) to just buy some already made, or ask Nathan to make some. 


So on to our next stop.  Where else?  WalMart, of course.  We needed a few groceries.  Bananas, of course.  Other fruit.  Case of water for the church.  Most importantly, however … toilet paper.  Gotta have that stuff around. 


Finally, we headed over to Randall’s.  Chris had a prescription to pick up.  It was the most expensive one she takes.  And we are in the reboot of our deductible phase of insurance.  That meant a $400-plus hit for this one prescription.  Ouch.  Had to make some adjustments for that one.  That’s just gonna get tougher once the retirement income sets in.  The one good thing?  We needed gas in the car, so we stopped at the Randall’s pumps.  Forty cents a gallon discount because of our recent massive purchase.  Sigh.  Joy in the smallest of things, right?


Colossians 3:1 says, “Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.”


Father, thank you that the medicine does exist that helps Chris.  We trust that you will provide a way for her to get what she needs.  Amen.


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