Wednesday, January 5, 2022

January 5 – “Up time”

It was finally haircut day for me.  I was way overdue.  Probably needed one around Christmas, at least, so I had quite the shag going.  Or flowing, curly locks, if you prefer.  I told Suzann to err on the side of … shorter.


At lunch Chris and I watched a new show on this HBO Max station we got for free when Chris had to buy a new phone.  It was a trivia contest about the Harry Potter books and movies.  It was called Hogwarts Tournament of Houses, I think.  It was hosted by some dame.  No, I mean a real, English, titled dame, not a 1920’s slang word for woman.  At its core, though, the show was just a trivia match-up between four teams, named after the houses in the books: Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw.  They asked some really hard questions.  Some we couldn’t even begin to guess, and we just finished re-watching the movies. 


Oh, and we started de-Christmas-izing.  That’s a word, right?  It’s when you start taking down the Christmas decorations.  Chris likes to take her time, so we’ll be doing this for several days now.  And then it’ll be a matter of getting everything back into the attic.  Great fun.


Amidst my work time at the computer, I also started a new jigsaw puzzle.  I did that during my newly required “up time.”  This new watch buzzes at me whenever it thinks I need to stand up and walk around for a minute.  Literally, a minute.  It even says that when I look at it.  “Get up and walk around for a minute.”  Strange inventions, these watches.  Star Trek worthy, to be sure. 


Psalms 55:22 says, “Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken.”


Father, please be with Chris this morning as she tackles another session of cardiac rehab.  Amen.

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