Thursday, January 13, 2022

January 13 – “A bit more realistically …”

I was up at my usual 5 a.m. time slot yesterday.  I got started on my last two sermons at Seaside.  One will be the 23rd, and the last will be on Retirement Day the 30th.  Getting pretty close.  I did get a lot done in my isolation chamber (a.k.a. desk chair).  Guess I was pretty focused, too.  I eventually got one of those warning buzzes on my watch that I needed to get up and walk around a little bit.  That can be awfully annoying when you are concentrating.  Meanwhile, Chris slept in.  She didn’t wake up until after 7.  Good thing she didn’t have cardiac rehab scheduled for the day.  Oh, we got in some rehab, though.  Ended up walking two miles.  Woohoo.


The day’s real excitement came when the dentist’s office called.  I had an appointment scheduled for next week to check out the broken tooth I have.  This call was to inform me that I had been selected to win … an earlier appointment time.  Much earlier, in fact.  Like 1:00 that very afternoon early.  Not much I could do to squirm out of that one.  Besides, I’d just as soon get the whole thing over with. 


Sure enough, after checking the x-rays and taking a look for herself, she told me there was a pretty big hole in my farthest back tooth on the left side.  Yep.  I told her that when I sat down, but thanks for the added confirmation.  She gave me the warnings about my options.  Stick in a filling and hope she doesn’t hit a nerve.  If she does hit a nerve, or if it starts bleeding profusely, things change.  Then the choice is between pulling the tooth and doing a root canal to try to save it.  In fact, if the filling seems to work at first, but the tooth starts to hurt or stays really sensitive for more than a few days, plan B or C are once again on the table.  She paused, apparently waiting for me to choose.  No problem there.  Start filling that baby in. 


Of course, there is always the danger of her working for an alien society.  The filling could actually be an implant allowing them to listen in on my every word and action.  And every time I yawn a tiny camera takes surveillance photos of my surroundings.  Hey, I heard that’s a real thing.  A bit more realistically, though, is the chance that my dentist is really an agent for FaceBook.  The filling is an upgrade to the internal software they installed in conjunction with the government when I had my Covid shot.  Allows them to more accurately predict what advertisements to run on my FaceBook feed.  Not that I’m a conspiracy theorist or anything …


Psalms 24:1 says, “The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it.”


Father, thank you that I was able to get into the dentist early and get this thing taken care of.  Amen.

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