Tuesday, January 18, 2022

January 18 – “Wolf Moon”

It sure was good to have a nice, semi-boring day yesterday.  Of course that means there is not much to write about, but a good trade-off nevertheless.


I started the day working on the sermon for Sunday.  I am back in the saddle for two more Sundays.  These last two were a little difficult to come by.  For one thing, I had to decide what final words did I want to leave the church with after 26 and a half years.  That thought loomed kind of heavy on my heart.  The last sermon will be a bit easier to concoct.  I’ll be doing a charge to the church, then a charge to the incoming pastor.  Then I just have to turn it over to him to finish me off, so to speak. 


We began work on a new puzzle.  Nothing special, really.  Just another one we happen to have in stock from … somewhere.  It’s a street scene from somewhere in Germany, I think.  Something about a Biergarten?


We spent some time after lunch planning our upcoming trip to Utah.  We’re looking at sometime in March or April.  Lots of National Parks out that direction.  I understand it’s pretty there, too.  I want to take a detour up to Salt Lake City.  Gotta say I’ve seen the big Lake and maybe even the Mormon temple.  We also connected with our travel agent on our Hawaii trip in 2023.  Chris found what appeared to be a better deal than the one we signed up for.  The agent checked it out for us, and sure enough, it was better.  Saved us $9.84.  Gotta love it.  Every penny counts.  Hey.  That’s almost a stuffed animal … 


Last night I went outside to see the Wolf Moon.  Why “Wolf” and not some other critter?  Guess it’s because wolves traditionally howl at the full moon?  Werewolves change over during a full moon?  It was a really pretty full moon.  Seen plenty of those.  The only thing that makes it special is that it is the first full moon of the new year.  Wolf Moon … Check.


Matthew 28:19 says, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”


Father, thank you for chances to rest a bit here and there.  I sure do appreciate your model in that realm.  Amen.

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