Monday, January 24, 2022

January 24 – “out-Tom Brady-ing Tom Brady”

We had a pretty good crowd in church yesterday, numbers-wise.  Around 50+.  That’s the number, not the age.  And it was a great group of people, otherwise.  Lots of feedback and interaction during the teaching. Then a small crowd stuck around afterwards to listen to Jim and the band play some more music.  Even had a few folks up and dancing.


Kel’s family came over for lunch.  Tacos was the fare of the day.  Also queso.  There was probably some other stuff, but that’s what I had.  The NFL playoff football games were going on TV.  The boys were all rooting against Tom Brady’s team.  Not sure they even knew or cared who the opposition was.  They were not disappointed, either.  It was an exciting finish.  Tom hit a long touchdown pass with 27 seconds left to tie the game.  But the other quarterback was not to be denied.  He hit on a first down pass that got out of bounds to stop the clock with 20 seconds.  Then he hit another long one to get them to well within easy field goal range, but they had to race the clock to throw a quick intentional incomplete to stop the clock again – no timeouts left – with just three or four seconds left.  The kicker won the game with a field goal.  So that other quarterback out-Tom Brady-ed Tom Brady.  Nice.


Meanwhile we played a new game they brought over.  It was called Grounded for Life.  The premise is simple.  Everyone has ten cards with random, weird phrases on them.  One at a time someone draws from another pile that presents a fill-in-the-blank scenario.  Everyone else then passes a card over to that person with one of their strange answers to the blank.  Whichever one makes the original person laugh the hardest wins the round.  Some of the answers actually work out to be quite appropriate.  Others – not so much.  I’m sure it would be considered an educational game.  After all, Josiah learned what a “Dad bod” is.  One of my favorite options was “someone else’s buggers stuck under the table.”  Nice.  Jachin was the ultimate victor in that game.  Guess he’s officially ready for college …


Deuteronomy 6:5 says, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.”


Father, thank you for all the folks at church.   I love ‘em.  I know you do, too.  Grant them your blessing.  Amen.

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