Friday, January 7, 2022

January 7 – “Images …”

Thursday.  Once again, after several weeks off, that means it is home group day.  And for us, home group day – other than preparation for the Bible study – means it is also cleaning day.  We did a little cleaning the day before in conjunction with De-Christmas-izing Day, but we still needed to do the more-thorough sweeping and vacuuming and dusting and bathroom cleaning.  You know.  All the usual suspects.  Chris even toyed with the idea of rotating rugs.  We have one in the office, one in the den and one rolled up under the bed.  That plan was tabled, though.  We’ll revisit it later when company isn’t a looming threat. 


I thought of something last night.  As Chris shared with our friends her experience with the breathing tests on Monday, I remembered the image that came to my mind.  She appeared to be describing one of two possibilities.  One was a breathalyzer.  Never seen one of those, but that’s one of those things you have to breathe into when you get stopped for drunk driving, isn’t it?  And the second possibility was the actual memory I had.  It was the first picture that came to my mind as she was describing how she was hooked up.  Actually, the image didn’t become clear until she said she had to inhale.  Yep.  There it is again.  Have you ever seen the movie version of Alice in Wonderland?  Or maybe a book version with good illustrations?  OK.  Remember the caterpillar she talks to?  That’s the one.  Now, remember the hoofa or hooka or whatever those things are called that he is smoking?  That’s it.  That’s the picture.  I don’t suppose the actual machine looked very much like that, but it sure does in my head …


Romans 6:23 says, “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”


Father, thank you for the chance to get back to hanging out with our home group pals.  Amen.

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