Saturday, January 29, 2022

January 29 – “Supermarket Speed”

I got a lot of sermon work done early in the morning yesterday.  That was after a very early wake-up text at around 4 a.m.  No problem or anything.  Just a word of retirement encouragement from a friend who lives on the East Coast.  It was already 5 a.m. there. 


Chris’ cardiac rehab was canceled, so we headed off-Island for some errands.  First stop was Home Depot.  Yep.  Needed still more boxes for the stuff at church.  This time the boxes will hold the files from that final file cabinet.  Have to empty it out or we’ll never be able to pick it up and get it to the house. 


After a flying trip to a store in League City to pick up something Chris saw online (it’s a birthday gift, so no further clues will be forthcoming), we ended up at Randall’s.  Chris had a prescription to pick up there, but it wasn’t ready.  Actually, one was ready, but she didn’t need that one.  The one she really needs is the victim of a worldwide shortage.  But the doctor called in a smaller dosage of the same drug, and they were able to fill that one.  OK.  I know it sounds weird.  Her dose is 50 mg.  That size/dose is stuck on a ship somewhere between here and China.  But apparently, they have plenty of the 25 mg size.  No brainer, right?  The doc just changed the prescription to “Take two” instead of just one. 


We did have to wait for them to finish filling that one.  Ten or fifteen minutes.  But hey, that was no problem.  We just went into walk mode.  We did laps around the store pushing our cart with coffee K-cups and eggs.  Made it up and down ever aisle, with a return to our starting point.  We just kept on walking until Chris’ watch told us we had gone a mile.  Meanwhile, my watch told us the prescription was ready, so it worked out well both ways.  Picked up the Rx and got in our exercise.  Two birds … one stone.


Jachin and Micah came over to mow and edge our grass for us.  We really enjoyed the time we got to spend just chatting with them.  And as a bonus, they brought along Ezra to entertain us while the work happened.  He actually finished the last eight or ten puzzle pieces I had left on the table.  That kid has great special recognition.  Remember that section of those standardized tests we used to have to take?  I never did so well on those.  I was always more of a square peg/round hole kind of guy …


1 John 3:16 says, “This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us.  And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters.”


Father, thank you for the help we received with the grass yesterday.  Please bless those boys for their efforts.  Amen.

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