Friday, January 14, 2022

January 14 – “Having an impact”

Chris was off to cardiac rehab again early on yesterday.  These 8 and 8:30 appointments get her up at and ‘em way earlier than she would like.  Then again, she does like to have the whole rest of the day to get other things done. 


Her absence gave me some more time to focus on sermon work.  Kel has this Sunday, but I preach the next two as my swan songs.  A lot of prayer and thought have gone into these selections.  Now just as much prep time will follow. 


I went the visitation for a funeral yesterday.  A guy I went to school with, and played Little League baseball with, died.  He was also one of Nathan’s neighbors when they lived in town.  Nathan became an indispensable resource for them.  He helped whenever they needed it, either around their house or when Mike fell and couldn’t get back up on his own.  And Mike’s daughter was one of Cailyn’s elementary school teachers.  In fact as I chatted with them, the teacher told me that she considered Cailyn the best student she ever had.  That is called having an impact on your neighbors. 


We were back at it for home group last night.  Still working through the life of Samson right now.  Got him married last night.  That didn’t last long.  The marriage, not the Bible study.  The marriage lasted a week.  We’ve been doing this Bible study for … let’s see … how many years???


Speaking of last night, Cathy was really on a roll.  For some reason she had a massive case of the giggles.  She told us she had been infected with it all day, just laughing for no particular reason.  Then when she actually had a reason, it was uncontrollable.  Like when Sam shared that she had been seated between to gentlemen at church on Sunday.  Cathy reasoned that Sam had become a Sam-wich.  Nice one, Cathy.  Keep ‘em coming.


2 Corinthians 5:17 says, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: the old has gone, the new is here!”


Father, thank you for our group that has learned to have times of giggle-ish fun as well as times of prayerful concern and times of serious study.  Amen.

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