Wednesday, January 19, 2022

January 19 – “Seaside sweep”

I was up early and went over sermon prep for the next two weeks.  When Chris arose, it was back to the old grind for her.  She had cardiac rehab at 8 a.m.  She only has 26 more sessions to complete her journey through this time.  Hang in there, Chris.


Meanwhile, Kel and I attended the executive board meeting of the Galveston Baptist Association.  It is primarily pastors from the local area, with some lay folks representing their churches as well.  This particular meeting was a Seaside sweep, of sorts.  Well, at least a mention or two.


The executive director recognized several new pastors to the association, including Kel, of course.  Looks like we are getting some new, younger blood around here.  That’s a really good thing.  Kel is excited about the chance to network with some of them.


The director then asked me to join him at the front of the gathering.  He introduced me and made reference to my “unique” style of teaching, using pictures.  Sigh.  What a legacy.  He then honored me for 26+ years as a pastor in the association.  I was presented with a plaque and a very cool little statue of a boat with a scripture on the sail.  Check out the scripture below.  He also said I could say something if I wanted to.  I told the folks that I would give them a real treat … no speech.  They seemed quite appreciative.


In the afternoon we went over to WalMart to grab some groceries.  Had to refill my bananas stash, you know.  Finally we were able to settle down and watch a little Baylor basketball.  They managed to return from their two-game funk and pick up a victory. 


Jeremiah 29:11 says, “’For I know the plans I have for you,’ says the Lord.  ‘They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.’”


Father, thank you for the recognition Kel got yesterday.  Give him plenty of encouragement as he begins his own Seaside journey.  Amen.

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