Thursday, June 4, 2009

June 4 – “Mansfield”


Today we headed for Mansfield to spend a few days with Josh and Christi and their boys.  Zak has a birthday party this weekend, so we'll get to be here for the festivities.  They're even having a picnic at their church Sunday, so we get some good food. 


I slept a lot of the way.  I confess.  I did watch a movie on one of those little mini-dvd players.  Now that's a great way to kill some time on a long trip when you're not sleeping.  I saw "Flywheel."  It was the first attempt at movie-making by the same people who later made "Fireproof" and "Facing the Giants."  It was okay for a low-budget overtly Christian movie with a powerful message and no fantasy world to dissolve into.  It had some really funny moments.


Our contractor called when we were somewhere on I45.  He was just checking in about the schedule for the rest of the week.  He wanted to know if we had seen the floors yet – after the poly-whatever-ethane had been applied.  He said he had not yet been given clearance to walk on them from the floor guys.  He said he would hold the plumber off until Monday to finish his stuff.  That should work out well, because the Sears installer can't come until Saturday anyway.  Nathan and April are on receiving duty while we are gone.  The replacement cooktop was to arrive today.  It made it without incident.  It should be installed by the time we get home.  It is actually possible that we can move in by the middle to end of next week.  WooHoo – guardedly.


We got to Mansfield around 2:30.  Spent the rest of the day playing with Zak and Caleb.  Josh asked me to help him drive tomorrow when he goes to pick up his new-to-him car.  I'll be happy to.  I'll be happy to just hang out.


1 Timothy 3:16 says, "Beyond all question, the mystery of godliness is great: He appeared in a body, was vindicated by the Spirit, was seen by angels, was preached among the nations, was believed on in the world, was taken up in glory."


Father, thanks for a safe trip.  And for a place to go.  Amen.

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