Thursday, January 5, 2023

January 5 - “Swollen in the middle”

Follow up day number one happens quickly with cataract surgery. We had to be back up in League City again the day after surgery for Chris’ first follow up appointment. And a pretty early appointment it was. 9:45 in the morning we had to be there. That meant leaving home around 8:45. I was up with no problems, but I tried to let Chris get some more sleep. We still made it. Checked in at 9:40. Nothing like cutting it close.


The doc was quite pleased with her handiwork. She “oohed and aahed” and gushed over the technical aspects of the job she had done.  But Chris said everything was still really blurry. Not a problem, we were assured. See, Chris was, in the doc’s official words, “swollen in the middle.”  I may or may not have quietly snickered at that comment.  I’m pretty sure she meant in the middle of the eye, though.  Anyway, the fact it was in the middle meant another day or so of blurriness until the swelling goes down.  Should clear up in a day or two.


In the meantime, Chris is not supposed to bend over or lift anything for a week or two. Guess who gets to step up now?  I can handle things like the dishes, but pardon my dust in the midst of Chris’ usually antiseptically clean house.  She also has to continue the eye drops as scheduled until the next follow up, at least. That comes next week.  Oh, and she has to wear the plastic eye patch thingie at night for at least a week.  That means figuring out how to get it into place next to her C-pap machine’s face mask.


In the meantime, we still have to get Sam to her appointments today and tomorrow.  And I have two MRI’s of my back on Saturday, physical therapy for my back on Monday, and an appointment with a neurosurgeon (Surprise, surprise. For my back.  Not sure what can of worms that will open) on Tuesday.  Chris then has physical therapy on Tuesday, followed by her sleep doctor on Wednesday and the eye follow-up number two on Thursday. I’m sure Sam has something else in there as well, but I don’t have her full schedule in my book. Just a bit of a busy schedule to start off 2023, wouldn’t you say?


Jeremiah 29:11 says, “‘For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’”


Father, thank you that all these doctors and surgeries and hospitals are available to work with you in your grand plan of healing.  Amen.

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